[xiǎo] small
一个小的房子 [ yí ge xiǎo fáng zi ]= a small house
大小 [ dà xiǎo ]= size

[me/mo] (suffix for questions)
什么? [ shénme ] = What?
为什么? [ wèi shén me ] = Why?

[xīn] = heart
小心 [ xiǎo xīn ]= be careful
心理 [ xīn lǐ ]= psychology, mentality
中心 [ zhōng xīn ] = center

[duō] =many, much, more
多大 [ duō dà ] = how big?
多少 [ duō shǎo ] = how many/how much?
很多 [ hěn duō ] = a lot of …

[tiān] = sky / heaven,god / day
天空 [ tiān kōng ]= sky
天气 [ tiān qì ]= weather
一天 [ yì tiān ] = 1 day

[ér] = and, furthermore
而且 [ ér qiě ]= and
然而 [ rán ér ] = however, yet, even so

[néng] = can, be able
他能说汉语。[ tā néng shuō hàn yǔ ] = He can speak Chinese.
能够 [ néng gòu ]= be capable of
可能 [ kě néng ]= maybe

[hǎo] = good, good to…, easy to
你好! [ Nǐ hǎo ] = Hello!
Second pronunciation:
[hào] = to like
爱好 [ ài hào ] =hobby

[dōu] all
他们都是律师. [ tā men dōu shì lǜ shī ] = They’re all lawyers.
Second pronunciation :
[dū] 首都 [ shǒu dū ] = capital city

[rán] = right, correct, so, like that
虽然 [ suī rán ] = although
忽然 [ hū rán ] = suddenly
当然 [ dāng rán ] = of course
自然 [ zì rán ] = nature

[méi] not / didn’t
没有 [ méi yǒun ]= haven’t, there isn’t
她没来 [ tā méi lái ]= She didn’t come.
有没有? [ yǒu méi yǒu ] = Is there or isn’t there? Have (you) or haven’t (you)

日子 [ rì zi ] = day
日记 [ rì jì ] = diary
日光 [n rì guāng ] = sunlight

于是 [ yú shì ] = therefore , so

起来 [ qǐ lai ] = get up
对不起 [ duì bu qǐ ] = excuse me

我们还在等他。[ wǒ men hái zài děng tā ] = We’re still waiting for him.
Second pronunciation:
[huán] return, give back
我们应该还书。[ wǒ men yīng gāi huán shū ] = We should return the books.

发展 [ fā zhǎn ] = develop /development
发短信 [ fā duǎn xìn ] = send short message, text
Second pronunciation:
[fà] hair
头发 [ tóu fa ] = hair

成为 [ chéng wéi ]= become
成功 [ chéng gōng ] = succeed/success
完成 [ wán chéng ] = accomplish, complete, fulfill

我的叔叔今天有事. [ wǒ de shū shu jīn tiān yǒu shi ] = My uncle has something (to do) today.

measure words for animals
一只猫 [ yì zhī māo ] = a cat
[zhǐ] single, one, only
他们只有5美元。[ tā men zhǐ yǒu wǔ měi yuán ] = They only have 5 dollars.

工作 [ gōng zuò ] = work
作业 [ zuò yè ] = homework

当作 [ dàng zuò ] = treat as, regard as
我把他当作我的爸爸。[ wǒ bǎ tā dāng zuò wǒ de bà ba ] = I regard him as my father.

我想你是对的。[ wǒ xiǎng nǐ shì duì de ] = I think you are right.
让我想想。[ rang wǒ xiǎng xiang ] = Let me think.
她的阿姨想吃鸡肉。[ tā de ā yí xiǎng chī jī ròu ] = Her aunt wants to eat chicken.
这个孩子想她的妈妈。[ zh`e ge hái zi xiǎng tā de mā ma ] = This kid misses her mom.

看医生 [ kàn yī shēng ] = see the doctor
让我看看。[ ràng wǒ kàn kan ]= Let me have a look.
看书 [ kàn shū ] = read books
Second pronunciation:
[kān] look after, tend
我的姥姥以前看我。[ wǒ de lǎo lao yǐ qián kān wǒ ] = My grandma used to look after me.
看守 [ kān shǒu ] = guard

文化 [ wén huà ] = culture
中文 [ Zhōng wén ] = Chinese language

无用 [ wú yòng ] = useless

开始 [ kāI shǐ ] = begin
打开 [ dǎ kāi ] = open, unfold
开电视 [ kāi dàn shì ] = turn on the TV

握手 [ wò shǒu ] = shake hands
手指 [ shǒu zhǐ ] = finger(s)
挥手 [ huī shǒu ] = wave

十三 [ shí sān ] = thirteen
六十 [ liù shí ] = sixty
十月 [ shi yuè ] = October
[shí] ten
十三 [ shí sān ] = thirteen
六十 [ liù shí ] = sixty
十月 [ shi yuè ] = October

好用[ hǎo yòng ] = useful / works well
不用 [ bú yòng ] = there’s no need
使用 [ shǐ yòng ] = use, apply

主要 [ zhǔ yào ] = main, primary
主人 [ zhǔ rén ] = owner

A : 你能帮助我吗?[ nǐ néng bang zhù wǒ ma ] = Can you help me?
B : 行![ xíng ] = Ok!
行动 [ xíng dòng ] = action, operation, move
[háng] line
一行汉字 [ yì háng hàn zì ] = a row of Chinese Characters
银行 [ yín háng ]= bank
行业 [ háng yè ]= industry

地方 [ dì fang ] = place
方面 [ fāng miàn ] = aspect
大方 [ dà fang ] = generous

那个学生又来晚了。[ nà ge xué shēng yòu lái wǎn le ] = That student is late again.
她又聪明又可爱。[ tā yòu cōng ming yòu kě ài ] = She is both smart and cute.

如果 [ rú guǒ ] = if
如此 [ rú cǐ ] = like this

我在你前面 [ wǒ z`ai nǐ qián miàn ] = I am in front of you.
4天前 [ sì tiān qián ] = 4 days ago
以前 [ yǐ qián ] = before
前天 [ qián tiān ] = the day before yesterday
前总统 [ qián zǒng tong ] = the former president

所以 [ suǒ yǐ ] = so, therefore
所有 [ suǒ yǒu ] = all
所有的孩子 [suǒ yǒu de hái zi ] = all of the kids
厕所 [ cè suǒ ] = bathroom

基本的 [ jī běn de ] = basic
{classifier for books, files, etc.}
一本书 [ yì běn shū ] = one book
六本字典 [ liù běn zì diǎn ] =6 dictionaries
日本 [ Rìběn ] = Japan

看见 [ kàn jian] = see
意见 [ yìn jian ] = idea, view, opinion
听见 [ tīng jiàn ] = hear

已经 [ yǐ jing ] = already
经过 [ jīng guò ] = pass, go through
经验 [ jīng yàn ] = experience
经常 [ jīng cháng ] = frequently

我的头疼。[ wǒ de tóu téng ]= My head hurts.
一头牛 [ yì tóu niú ] = a cow
一头蒜 [ yì tóu suàn ] = a garlic
{classifier for livestock, garlic, etc.}
头发 [ tóu fa ] = hair
[tou] 石头 [ shí tou ] = stone

{classifier for mirrors, flags, etc.}
一面镜子 [ yí miàn jìng zi ]= a mirror
一面国旗 [ yí miàn guó qí ]= a flag
面条 [ miàn tiáo ] = noodle
面包 [ miàn bāo ] = bread

公里 [ gōng lǐ ] = kilometer
办公室 [ bang gōng shì ] = office
公司 [ gōng sī ] = company
公共 [ gōng gòng ] = public, communal, common
公共汽车 [ gōng gong qì chē ] = (public) bus

同志 [ tong zhì ] = comrade

第三世界 [ dì sān shì jiè ] = the 3rd world country
三月 [ sān yuè ] = March

已经 [ yǐ jīng ] = already

爷爷老了。[ yé ye lǎo le ]= Grandpa is old.
老师 [ lǎo shī ] = teacher
老 虎 [ lǎo hǔ ] = tiger

我的女朋友从中国来。[ wǒ de nǔ péng you cóng zhōng guó lái ] = My girlfriend is from China.
从东到西 [ cóng dōng dào xī ] = from east to west
自从1987 [ zì cóng yī jiǔ bā qī ] = since 1987

动物 [ dòngwù ] = animal
活 动 [ nhuó dòng ] = activity
运动 [ yùn dòng ] = sports

两只猫 [ liǎng zhī māo ] = 2 cats
两本书 [liǎng běn shū ] = 2 books
两支笔 [liǎng zhī bǐ ] = 2 pens
(before classifier/measure words like “只,个,本etc.)/50 grams
一两大米 [ yì liǎng dà mǐ ] = a gram of rice

儿子的腿很长。[ ér zi de tuǐ hěn cháng ] = My son’s legs are very long.
[zhǎng] grow up
树长高了。[ shù zhǎng gāo le ] = The tree grew taller.
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