我的 [wǒ de] my/mine 你的=your/yours高 的 [gāo de] high/tall;
是的 [shì de] that’s it, that’s right;
是…的 [shì…de]=one who…;
你是美国来的. [nǐ shì měi guó lái de]= You’re the one who is from America
他是说汉语的 [Tā shì shuō Hànyǔde.]= He is the one who speaks Chinese.

看一看 [kàn yí kàn]=have a (quick) look at
Some tone change rules:
The 1st tone [yī] changes into the second tone [yí] (when it’s used before tone #4); 一个人 [yí gè píng guǒ]=one apple
一定 [yí ding]=for sure/certain; 一样 [yí yang]=the same;
The 1st tone [yī] changes into the 4th tone [yì] (when it’s used before tones 2nd or the 3rd tone)
一点儿 [yìdiǎnr]=a little; 一些[yì xiē] =some

是不是[shì bu shì]=Is (it) or is (it) not?
是否 [shì fǒu]= whether or not/ is (it) or is (it) not?

The 4th tone changes into the 2nd tone [bú] (when it’s used before tone #4)
不是 [bú shì]=isn’t /aren’t/wasn’t/weren’t

{verb particle indicates a change of situation or a completed action}
天冷了。[tiān lěng le]= It’s getting colder.
我吃了![wǒ shī le] =I’ve eaten.
你累了![nǐ lèi le] =You’ve gotten tired!
她只喝了一杯水.[tā zhǐ hē le yì bēi shuǐ]= She only drank one glass of water.
了 also has a second pronunciation:
[liǎo] =end, finish, settle, know something clearly, to be able to do …
了解 [liǎo jiě]=understand
了了 [liǎole]= to be over/ended/finnished/settled;
你全吃了了![nǐ quán chī liǎo le]= You’ve eaten it all!

人类 [rén lèi ]= human being
有人吗? [yǒu rén ma] =Is there anybody here?

我们 [wǒ men] = we, us

现在 [xiàn zài ]= now
存在 [cún zài] = exist

没有 [méi yǒu ]= haven’t, there isn’t
有 没有? [Yǒu méi yǒu?] = Is there or isn’t there? Have (you) or haven’t (you)?
有的[ yǒu de ]= some
有的是红色,有的是绿色.[yǒu de shì hóng sè, yǒu de shì lǚ sè] = Some are red, and some are green.

其他 [qí tā ]= other

haven’t (you)? [mò] sink, overflow, disappear, confiscate

中国 Zhōng guó = China
中间 [zhōng jiān]= middle
我在两个桌子之间.[wǒ zài lǎng ge zhuō zi zhī jiān]=I’m in the middle of the 2 tables.

多大? [duōdà] = How big?
大小 [dàxiǎo]= size
大家 [dà jiā] =everybody,everyone
It has a second pronunciation when it is in the word “doctor” [dài] 大夫 [dài fu ]= doctor

他的妈妈来了.[ tā de mama lái le ]=His mom came.
来年[ lái nián ]= the coming/next year
起来 [qǐ lai ] =get up, rise
原来 [yuán lái ]= originally

苹果在桌子上.[ píng guǒ zài zhuō zi shàng ]= The apple is on the table.
上星期 [ shàng xīng qī ]= last week
上楼 [ shàng lóu ]= go upstairs

中国 [ Zhōng guó ]= China
美国[ Měi guó ]= U.S.A.

Numbers+ “个”+Nouns
一个月[ yí ge yuè ]= one month
五个人 [ wǔ ge rén ]= five people
个人 [ gè rén ]= personal

飞机到了. [ fēi jī dào le ]= The plane has arrived.
直到今晚. [ zhí dào jīn wǎn ]= until tonight
走到商店. [ zǒu dào shāng diàn ]= walk to the store

说话 [ shuō huà ] = speak, say
因为我犯错了,爸爸说了我。[ yīn wéi wǒ fàn cuò le, bà ba shuō le wǒ ]= Because I made a mistake, my father scolded me.
我说的是这个人. [ wǒ shuō de shì zhè ge rén ]= I am referring to this guy.

{plural suffix for pronouns and nouns referring to persons}
我们 [ wǒ men ]= we
你们 [ nǐ men ]= You (guys)
他们 [ tā men ]= They (male)
她们 [ tā men ]= They ( female)
人们 [ rén men ]= people

为了你 = for you
为了学汉语 = in order to study Chinese
It has a second pronunciation:
[wéi] do, act, act as, be, become
认为 [ rèn wéi ]= think
她想成为老师. [ tā xiǎng chéng wéi lǎo shī ] = She wants to become a teacher.
以为 [ yǐ wéi ]= think or believe erroneously that…

子女 [ zǐ nǚ ]= sons and daughters
儿子 [ ér zi ]= son [zi] (noun suffix)
桌子 [ zhuō zi ]= table
椅子 [ yǐ zi ] = chair
袜子 [ wà zi ]= socks

和平[ hé píng ]= peace
It has a second pronunciation:
[huo] 暖和[ nuǎn huo ]= nice and warm

你们 [ nǐ men ]= you (plural)

{adverbial particle: adj. + 地 + verb}= ~ly
慢地跑 [ màn di pǎo ]= walk slowly

出现[ chū xiàn ]= appear, emerge
出去 [ chū qù ]= go out
出口 [ chū kǒu ]= exit

知道 [ zhī dao ]= know

我也喜欢饺子. [ wǒ yě xǐ huan jiǎo zi ] = I also like dumplings.
也许 [ yě xǔ ]=perhaps

时间 shí jiān =time
一小时 [ yì xiǎo shí ]= 1 hour

今年 [ jīn nián ]= this year
明年[ míng nián ]= next year
去年 [ qù nián ]= last year

学得快 [ xué de kuài ] =learn fast
Second pronunciation:
[dé] = get, reach, achieve
我的妹妹得到了奖. [ wǒ de mèi mei dě dào le jiǎng ] = My little sister got the prize.
得[děi] = should

就要 [ jiù yào ] = about to do something
这就是我! [ Zhè jiù shì wǒ ]= This is simply me!
她就要回家。[ tā jiù yào huí jiā ]= She is about to go back hom

那是我的英语老师. [ nà shì wǒ de yīng yǔ lǎo shī ] = That is my English teacher.

我的弟弟要吃面条。[ wǒ de dì di yào chī miàn tiáo ]= My little brother wants to eat noodles.
明天我们要去动物园。[ míng tiān wǒ men yào qù dòng wù yuán ]= We will go to the zoo tomorrow.
这件事很重要。[ zhè jiàn shì hěn zhòng yào ] = This is very important.
主要 [ zhǔ yào ] = main
Second pronunciation
[yāo] 要求 [ yāo qiú ] = demand, require

书在包下面。[ shū zài bāo xià mian ] = The book is under the bag.
下楼 [ xià lóu ] = go down stairs
下星期 [ xià xīng qī ] = next week
下月 [ xià yuè ] = next month

生孩子 [shēng hái zi ]= deliver a child
生日 [shēng rì ] = birthday
学生 [ xué sheng ]= student(s)
先生 xiān sheng = mister, gentleman, Sir

我会说英语。[ wǒ huì shuō yīng yǔ ] = I can speak English.
公司明天有个会。[ gōng sī míng tiān yǒu ge huì ] = There is a meeting in my company tomorrow.
学生会 [ xué sheng huì ]= student union
生日晚会 [ shēng rì wǎn huì ] = birthday party
Second pronunciation:
[kuài] 会计 [ kuài jì ]= accounting
Second pronunciation:
[huǐ] 会儿 [ huì(er) ]=moment

自己 [ zì jǐ ] = self
你自己 [ nǐ zì jǐ ] = yourself
我自己 [ wǒ zì jǐ ]= myself
她自己 [ tā zì jǐ ] = herself
自然 [ zì rán ]= nature

坐着 [ zuò zhe ]= be sitting
看着 [ kàn zhe ]= be looking at …
吃着 [ chī zhe ]= be eating …

[qù] = go, leave, depart
去学校 [ qù xué xiào ] = go to school
去工作 [ qù gōng zuò ] = go to work
去中国 [ qù zhōng guó ] = go to China

texts) not common used in contemporary language.

{verb particle indicates that someone has had the experience of doing something, that it has happened at least once}
过马路 [ guò mǎ lù ] = cross the street
我去过英国三次.[ wǒ qù guò yīng guó sān cì ] = I have gone to U.K. 3 times.

国家 [ guó jiā ] = nation
大家 [ dà jiā ] = everybody
回家[ huí jiā ]= go back home
家人 [ jiā rén ] = family

学校 [ xué xiào ] = school
学生 [ xué sheng ] = student
学汉语 [ xué hàn yǔ ] = study Chinese
[xué] = study, learn
学校 [ xué xiào ] = school
学生 [ xué sheng ] = student
学汉语 [ xué hàn yǔ ] = study Chinese

对不起 duì bu qǐ = excuse me
你对了。[ nǐ duì le ] = You’re right.
对,我是美国人。[ duì, wǒ shì měi guó rén ]= Yes, I am American.

可以 [ kě yǐ ] = may, can
可是 [ kě shì ] = but, however
可爱 [ kě ài ] = loveable, cute
可能 [ kě néng ]= possible, probable, maybe
口可乐 [ kě kǒu kě lè ] = Coca Cola

她是我的姐姐。[ tā shì wǒ de jiě jie ]= She is my older sister.
这是她的朋友。[ zhè shì tā de péng you ] = This is her friend.

哪里? [nǎ li ] = where?
那里 [ nà li ] = there;
这里 [ zhè li ] = here

后天 hòu tiān = the day after tomorrow
以后 [ yǐ hòu ] = in future
后来 [ hòu lái ] = afterwards
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