The Step By Step Guide to Learn Chinese Characters



  • 100 Demonstration HD Videos 
  • 200 Chinese Characters Flash Cards
  • Chinese Ebooks+Cheatsheets
  • MP3 Audios to Memorize the Characters




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100 Most Common Used Chinese Characters[2]

100 Most Common Used Chinese Characters[2]

To master Chinese characters, the most efficient way is to learn the most common used Chinese characters first! In Chinese, there are thousands of Chinese characters, but you only need to know several hundreds to start and be able to write and read simple Chinese. Here is a list of 100 most common used Chinese character.

100 Most Common Used Chinese Characters[1]

100 Most Common Used Chinese Characters[1]

[de]{ grammatical particle:if 的 [de] is after pronouns such as 你 [nǐ], 我[wǒ],她[tā],他[tā] or 它[tā] to express procession} 我的 [wǒ de] my/mine 你的=your/yours高 的 [gāo de] high/tall; 是的 [shì de] that's it, that's right; 是...的 [shì]=one who...; 你是美国来的. [nǐ shì měi guó...